Nestled in the prestigious rancho santa fe covenant, this enchanting family home promises an idyllic lifestyle in one of the most sought after school districts. Beyond the tranquility of lemon and orange orchards spread across lush acreage, this residence combines serene privacy with the convenience of nearby rancho santa fe village. Boasting an open layout, the home features three expansive bedrooms plus an office that can easily convert into a fourth bedroom, ideal for remote work or study. Complemented by three expansive bedrooms and three
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Listing Price Changes
Price Increased: 08/26/2024 from $3,200,000 to $3,210,000 Price Reduced: 08/26/2024 from $3,300,000 to $3,200,000 Price Reduced: 08/13/2024 from $3,500,000 to $3,300,000
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Listing provided courtesy of Coldwell Banker Res. Brokerage